
From Italy with Love…and a lot of organic fruit! 🥑 🇮🇹

Orteat starts shipping organic products from its Italian farmers to some European countries.

Sorry if you find some Italian words or some mistakes, we are working on improving our International website.

In the meantime, we don't want you to lose the chance to try out our farmers' products!  


The next deliveries will be made approximately between 15th and 17th of June. The shipping of our products is free (with the exception of some peripheral locations).

If you order from different manufacturers, you will receive separate deliveries.

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Orteat’s mixed Box with Organic Traditional Tomato Sauces

A mixed box that combines the best flavorful organic products, only processed according to traditional recipes.

Inside the box you may find:

  • Organic Sauce ‘al Basilico’ (190 g): loved by all and with a touch of basil that will add flavor to all of your dishes

  • Organic Sauce ‘all’Arrabbiata’ (190 g): tasty, flavorful and intense, the spicy nuances of this sauce will be perfect for your pasta

  • Organic Tomato ‘Passata’ (680 g): processed according to traditional recipes, it tastes like a homemade one

Would you like to first try them? Add them to the Mixed Vegetables Box that you can find here: Create your Mixed Organic Vegetables Box

All sauces are handmade by ‘Azienda Agricola Monastero’. The processing is based on traditional methods that create the perfect consistency and the harmonious flavor.

The Passata is obtained from a highly artisanal transformation process, similar to the one of a homemade one. The tomatoes are harvested by hand, selecting only the best of them. Within the first 12 hours, the processing takes place. The tomatoes are first roasted and then mechanically pressed at room temperature. In the end, they are bottled and pasteurized at bain-marie. It is a very delicate thermal process which produces a thick and sweet puree, where the organoleptic characteristics of the tomatoes are fully preserved. The final product contains only a pinch of salt and no acidifiers.

The mixed box of sauces that you will find at Orteat,comes from the ‘Azienda Agricola Monastero’, a farm that produces high quality organic vegetables following only sustainable agricultural practices.

What are the Properties of the Mixed Box of Italian Organic Sauces?

These Tomato Sauces are handmade, and that’s why the characteristics of the tomatoes are fully preserved. The tomatoes grow in the farm garden, and they are processed only following traditional methods.

Hence, they feature high contents of both vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and pro vitamin A (above all lycopene, a carotenoid famous for its antioxidant and beneficial characteristics).

What are the benefits of the Box?

  • Lycopene: besides giving the tomatoes their typical red color, it is also an excellent antioxidant which is able to fight the free radicals that are a primary cause of cell degeneration. Moreover, thanks to lycopene, the tomato sauce is healthy for both our skin and sight, protecting them against the prolonged exposure to UV rays

  • A regular and balanced consumption of tomatoes and their derivatives may help in reducing cholesterol levels

How to use this Mixed Box: some quick and easy recipes

These sauces are perfect if you want to impress your guests with an easy, simple, delicious and classic Italian dish: the famous ‘Pasta al Pomodoro’.

Flavor, velvety texture and intensity, make these sauces perfect for every type of pasta, so that you can use the one you prefer best.

But that’s not all. You can add them and cook amazing sauces, gravies and condiments for your favorite meals, without forgetting the super Italian ‘scarpetta’!

How to Store the Box

Thanks to the bottling procedure, these products can be stored for a long time; we suggest you keep them in a dry, cool and sheltered place in order to preserve them at their best.

But, once a bottle has been opened, it must be stored in the refrigerator and it should be used within a couple of days.

Customer Service

We are always available for any further information you may need. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to learn more about us, from the pre-sale to the after-sale phase. We aim at guaranteeing you the best purchasing experience. Contact us via email at or via WhatsApp at +39 392 201 2933.

General information

Variety: Mixed Box with Artisanal Tomato Sauces

Producer: Azienda Agricola Monastero

Properties and nutritional values

Cereali e Legumi fanno bene poiché hanno un apporto di vitamine e fibre che contribuiscono a prevenire numerose malattie e facilitano alcune funzioni importanti dell'organismo, come il transito intestinale e il mantenimento dei parametri di colesterolo e glicemia e nel sangue.

I pomodori contengono discrete quantità di vitamine, tra cui: B, C, D, E e sali minerali, quali: potassio, fosforo, calcio. Tra gli oligoelementi più presenti vi sono il ferro, lo zinco il selenio, che rendono il pomodoro un valido alleato nella lotta contro i radicali liberi.

Gli ortaggi sono composti principalmente da acqua (70-95%), fibre (utili per la salute dell'intestino), vitamine (soprattutto A, E, C) e sali minerali; sono poco calorici e contengono pochissimi carboidrati, grassi e proteine. Il loro consumo è fondamentale non solo per la nostra salute, ma anche per la linea.


Ecco alcuni dei principali Benefici di Legumi e Cereali

  • aiutano a prevenire le malattie cardiovascolari
  • aiutano a regolare l’attività intestinale
  • aiutano a ridurre la stipsi
  • aiutano a ridurre l’assorbimento di grassi e colesterolo
  • aumentano il senso di sazietà e aiutano a mantenere il pesoforma.

Gli Ortaggi hanno tanti benefici per l'organismo in quanto:

  • Riducono la pressione arteriosa: infatti, il potassio contenuto nei pomodori agisce da vasodilatatore per cui è un grande aiuto per chi soffre di pressione alta;
  • Combattono l’invecchiamento: dovuto all’azione dei radicali liberi, i quali vengono contrastati efficacemente grazie agli antiossidanti contenuti nei pomodori come Vitamina C, Beta-carotene e licopene;
  • Stimolano la diuresi: grazie all’abbondanza di acqua e di potassio, il consumo di pomodori ha un effetto diuretico riducendo di conseguenza la ritenzione di liquidi;
  • Assicurano un ottimo apporto di fibre: le tante fibre contenute favoriscono la salute dell’intestino, combattendo la stitichezza e proteggendo anche il colon. 


Conservation and use

Cereali e Legumi vengono consegnati in confezioni adatte a mantenere una lunga conservazione. 
Si consigli di riporli in un luogo asciutto al riparo da fonti di calore eccessive. 

I nostri ortaggi vengono raccolti e spediti direttamente dagli Agricoltori di Orteat. 

Si consiglia un consumo veloce per poterli assaporare al meglio della loro freschezza, in alternativa potete conservare i prodotti in frigorifero.

Customer service

Siamo a disposizione per qualsiasi informazione o esigenza, dalla fase precedente all'acquisto fino al post vendita. Ci teniamo a garantire la massima tranquillità con il vostro ordine. E' possibile contattarci via email a o telefonicamente (anche su WhatsApp) al 392.2012933.

General information

 Spedizione: 24/72 ore dalla partenza della spedizione, a seconda della località
Produttore: Azienda Agricola Monastero

About the farmer

Azienda agricola monastero


Negri Family

Departures and arrivals, travels and traditions. Rediscovered places that take on new forms and new shapes. 

This is the story of the Negri family that since 1932 has committed to rural and farm life, rediscovering ancient traditions. They decided to stabilize themselves in an old Olivetan monastery in Verano, in ...

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

25,90 €

1 item- Mixed Box with Traditional Sauces and Tomato Purees

Delivery from 15th and 17th of June

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees


1 item - Mixed Box with Traditional Sauces and Tomato Purees

We support farmers and the planet!
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To the producer


Orteat follows the course of nature and respects it. We don't like to import products from other countries, and we don't like using artificial techniques to extend their seasonality. Each product grows and matures at a given time of the year. If you can't wait to eat mixed box with organic and traditional tomato sauces and purees, the harvest will be in available from january

We support farmers and the planet!
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To the producer

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive this product?

Products are shipped early in the week to ensure freshness and quality. You can read the estimated delivery date for each product within its tab.

What if there are problems with my order?

You can contact us for any need related to your order, as well as any other information, via email at or by phone (including on WhatsApp) at 392.2012933.

What happens if I'm not home?

We will notify you to indicate when the courier will deliver our products, but if however you should not be at home, you will be contacted to arrange a second delivery.

I ordered 2 products but only received 1

To ensure a short supply chain, products are shipped directly from our farmers. This means that if you have purchased from different producers you will receive different shipments.

Can I change my delivery address?

Certainly, you can do it from your personal area, where you will find a summary of your data including the delivery address. However, the change does not apply to shipments on delivery.

How can I track the shipment

In the email that we sent you upon confirmation of shipment you will find all the references necessary to easily track the shipment and understand when it will be delivered.

What else you may like

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Create your own Organic Vegetables Box

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Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

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Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

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Create your own Organic Vegetables Box

Create your own Organic Vegetables Box

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Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Seasonal product
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Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Mixed Box with Organic and Traditional Tomato Sauces and Purees

Seasonal product
See product
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