Organic Navel Oranges

Orteat’s Organic Navel Oranges

Excellent to eat sliced or freshly squeezed, rich in vitamins, simply good: our Navel Oranges are an excellent panacea for our organism… the mouth feels fantastic with its freshness!

This type of citrus fruit belongs to the Washington variety of blonde navel oranges, whose name comes from a small scar that resembles the navel one. This mark is due to the phenomenon of “syncarpia” (the presence of several fruits in one), which leads to the growth of a second, smaller fruit. Organic Navel Oranges are also characterized by the absence of seeds, and this makes them particularly suitable for children.

The Italian Organic Navel Oranges that you can find on our website, depending on the weather, start to ripen at the end of October and can be harvested until late April. They are grown in places with a hot and dry climate, such as the one of the Ionian coast of Calabria. In this magical setting, the south-east exposure and proximity to both the sea and the mountains create a perfect and unique microclimate. Together with the alluvial soil, this type of environment guarantees the production of delicious citrus fruits that have an excellent quality.

Beyond that, our untreated oranges are grown in open fields by means of organic farming practices that do not employ any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Even during the harvesting, which is strictly manually done, the fruits are not subjected to any treatments, either with wax or with anti-mold.

Hence their peel may not appear ‘perfect’ , but it can be definitely used for cooking to enjoy its flavor. Indeed, our producers operate by fully respecting nature, by using only manure coming from natural sources. In some cases it is also possible to use ‘green manure’: some residues and herbaceous species are buried into the soil in order to both maintain it and improve its fertility.

Le proprietà e i valori nutrizionali

Our untreated Navel Washington Oranges have rich vitamins A,B,C contents (especially Thiamine and Riboflavin) as well as PP (Niacin). This fruit contains high percentages of bioflavonoids which together with vitamin C, are important in order to rebuild the collagen of the connective tissue and strengthen the walls of blood vessels too.

I benefici

All types of oranges are characterized by a low caloric intake (about 34 kcal per 100 g) and by many properties that help the correct functioning of our organism: in fact, they have high contents of vitamins, minerals and nutritional properties. Let’s see together some of them:

-          Antioxidant power: it improves cognitive functions and it helps in fighting free radicals

-          Vitamin C: it boosts the immune system against viruses or bacteria and it also helps the absorption of iron in the intestine

-          By pressing the peel and the leaves, you can get an essential oil which is full of antioxidants, in particular of hesperidin, a molecule with draining effects

Conservazione e utilizzo

Storage and use

Organic Navel Washington Oranges are excellent to be consumed in many different ways: peeled, sliced and also as a fresh fruit juice. Oranges are in fact suitable for fresh consumption but are also excellent to be added to mixed salads (lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, etc.). Additionally, thanks to the absence of any pre and post harvesting treatments, the peels can be added in the making of custards, sweets, candied fruits and scented liqueurs.

In Calabria, oranges are used to prepare the so-called ‘Orange Salad’, a very simple salad seasoned with oil, vinegar and salt.

The hand picking of our untreated oranges, which takes place strictly only after receiving your order, allows our customers to receive a fresh product of the highest quality. Hence, if stored in dry and cool environments (in the terrace or in the balcony), our oranges can last up to a month.

Find more information about it in our Guide: How to Store Citrus Fruit

Servizio clienti

Customer Service

We are always available for any further information you may need. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to learn more about us, from the pre-sale to the after-sale phase. We aim at guaranteeing you the best purchasing experience. Contact us via email at or via WhatsApp at +39 392 201 2933.

Informazioni generali

General Info

Variety: Organic Washington Navel Oranges

Harvesting period: starting in November

Size: medium/small 

Chi è l’agricoltore

Farmer goel


Group Goel Cooperative 

Luca, Laura, Domenico, Giuseppe, Roberto and many other farmers that you already know, belong to this cooperative. 

The Goel Cooperative was born to restore value and light to the beautiful territory of Calabria.

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Organic Navel Oranges

Prodotto da
Farmer Goel

22,00 €

1 confezione- 10 Kg

Organic Navel Oranges


1 confezione - 10 Kg

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